Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Message on Camp NaNoWriMo from the Desk of Chris Baty

Dear Writer,

Every ten years or so, NaNoWriMo tackles something so ambitious that we need the entire NaNo community to help us pull it off. It's time to go big! Here's what we're proposing:

Project #1: We finalize all coding on Camp NaNoWriMo, a light and zesty summer version of November's literary adventure.

Project #2: We completely rebuild the guts of the NaNoWriMo website by October 1. The new infrastructure will allow us to be speedier and more user-friendly.

To make both of these projects a reality, we are asking you to donate today in our world-famous Summer Fundraising Drive. Which we've relocated to May, and rechristened the NaNoWriMo Camp and Guts Drive.

We have a bounty of limited-edition thank-you gifts that will only be available for this drive. Last year, our special Summer Fundraising Drive gifts were completely gone within a week. This year's goodies include a lifetime Founding Donor listing on the Camp NaNoWriMo website (for just $10!), a Founding Camper badge for your NaNoWriMo profile, a "NaNoWriMo Takes Guts" bumper sticker, and a wonderful Camp NaNoWriMo mini-poster.

Plus, everyone who donates to NaNoWriMo in 2011, in this drive or otherwise, will get a special helping of donor-only bonus pep, including ramp-up pep talks from published NaNoWriMo authors in October and weekly pep talk emails from me in November.

If you've never donated to NaNoWriMo before, please let this be the first time you try it out. It feels so good! If you donate every year in the fall, we can't thank you enough! We would be so grateful if you'd consider making your donation a little early so we can put your contribution towards these two essential projects.

Thank you so much for supporting our grassroots creative revolution. Your donation will ensure that hundreds of thousands of people get a life-changing wallop of literary encouragement in 2011.

With an overflowing mug of gratitude,

Executive Director
The Office of Letters and Light

PS: To help spread the word about the drive, you can put the URL in your Facebook status, and the Facebook elves will magically generate a wee Camp NaNoWriMo logo and a message letting the world know you gave NaNoWriMo the guts we need to succeed. We also have great Twitter badges (and more Facebook fun) in the NaNo Breaking News.

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