Monday, February 21, 2011

Writing Exercise from Inkwell: A Brother Gone Astray...

His pure white hair spoke to his perceived purity, wisdom, and intellect. His eyes were the clearest blue and led some to believe that he could see into their soul. His mannerisms were calculated to a fault, but always came off as some sort of natural elegance to the unrefined eye. None of those things were true if you knew him. I would describe him as a dedicated actor. One able to take on any role with conviction and presence.

I knew him before any of that mattered. Before he was a respected clergyman. I knew him when he was a killer, true to his form. A thief and someone who joined the Guild to get by as best as he could. He enjoyed his work, and was one of my closest brothers. Really he hadn't changed. He just had a crew of more devoted liars around him now. I chuckled as I stepped from the shadows of the temple. I wiped my left hand on my pants and dipped two fingers into the holy water, crossing myself, before heading to the front, where my brother stood. I began to hum a familiar tune, adding words slowly.

"An eye for an eye, a lie for a lie,
Your lies for my truth, your truth for your life...

I saw a glimmer in his eye. No wait, maybe it was fear. It was a look I was unfamiliar with but one that set my heart to race. I watched for the tell tale signs of fleeing but he stood still, motioning the ones around him to back away. The look in his eyes changed and he opened his arms wide.

"Good to see you again Brother Grimm" His sly smirk would betray him to any in the brotherhood, but seemed sincere enough for the blind fools around him.

"And to you as well. We are glad to find you in such good health." I practically hissed the last part and stopped just before his grasp. He nodded and gestured behind him to the room behind the altar. I shook my head and made a soft clucking noise.

"Ah Brother, you never learn do you." I smirked and looked at him form under my hood, the glint of my dagger playing on the wall of the temple. His eyes cast downward for a moment and he pulled his hair back in a dark brown leather tie.

"It's come to this has it?"

"Aye, Brother. Your truth for your life." I smirked and watched him. This would be a good fight.

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