Saturday, February 26, 2011

On Inspiration

Hello all,

First off apologies are in order for my absence for the last week. It's been a little rough emotionally here and there. Then there's work. And my lack of inspiration in general. However these are more excuses than anything else. Bottom line: I'm sorry.

So now that that's out of the way, all the writers that read me should head on over to Goggles and Lace. The link will take you right to her weekly writing challenge for this week. I'm actually going to be attempting to take it after a shower and the coffee and B vitamins hit my system. Her writing exercise this week focuses around removing adjectives from your descriptions. Not ALL. Just most of them. In the end this sadistic little exercise will force you to rework your writing so that you find other ways to describe scenes than just the adjectives oft overly used. (ha see what I did there? No? Ok fine.) So if you're feeling a touch masochistic, and would like to improve your writing; do so.

So my question to you for the day is: Where do you find inspiration? Comment below or even better get to writing!


Post Script: I'm also trying to throw together an official updating schedule. Should be up by the end of the weekend. =]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how you're using my blog as a way to assassinate your readers' desire to write. XD

NOW. Where do I get my inspiration? Large amounts of coffee and over-thinking. I browse pretty pictures on dA or (depressingly enough) read the news. It's really mostly the caffeine and over-thinking, though.

Also, get to putting up an update schedule, lady. PRETEND YOU'RE A PROFESSIONAL! ... That's what I did. XD It makes me feel important.