Monday, July 25, 2011

The Imagination and Inkwell Meets Here

I've been incredibly fortunate to meet so many fellow writers in the last year that have forsaken the trail more oft taken and blazed ahead to make a name for themselves. Some of them I still speak with and often commune with but some are far bigger than just themselves anymore, not leaving much time for anything else. But I digress. My ability to find amazingly creative individuals astounds me to this day, though seeing how often I frequent Barnes and Noble in Millbury, I probably shouldn't be shocked when I run into authors anymore.

However, beyond these amazingly successful professionals, the ones that really astound me are you all. The few that write in your free moments and keep trying. Not only do you inspire me, but you show me the persistence that still exists within our hearts' inkwells.

You are part of the reason that Kit and I started Inkwell so many months ago. Actually at this point it's been over a year. A year, one month and 10 days at the time of writing this. So happy birthday to Inkwell. We've made it through the first year!

It's been an interesting year, that's for sure. I've met so really creative individuals that have the story lines and the talent to carry them through it. Some need more help in the technical arena, but others have that and no story ideas. Wither way, you can do it. “You got this”, I'm fond of saying.

The purpose of the group is to help you through your writing ails and help you find your voice in the large expanse that is often less than helpful, and more often than not, fairly painful to navigate alone. So we all meet, sit, commiserate, and help each other through the veil hoping to at the end of a few meetings have something more palatable to the average reader, and perhaps an editor along the way.

The Brotherhood of the Quill and Inkwell is a strong one, as long as you know where to look. Even if you're not local to Inkwell, seek out writing groups in your area. If they're not what you're looking for, try another. At the very least, you'll meet another group of caffeine addicted oddballs that understand when you tell them the characters in your head are fighting for the white space of your blank page. They probably won't try to have you committed either.

Until next time,

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