Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Marrionette Marie...

(this idea is not wholly mine, but is the result of Kit Fox and my mullings about D/S relationships. Enjoy. *bows*)

She sat quietly in the corner of the room waiting for her master. Her make up was perfect, as usual. Shiny red lips, long dark lashes that made her doe eyes look even larger, and a touch of blush to brighten her porcelain skin. Crimson hair fell from her roots in a cascade of fire. She was his prized possession... He was her puppet master, he protected her, he loved her.

The door creaked open and a tall gentleman complete with top hat entered the darkened room, switching on the light. His bright green eyes fell upon his doll, and they softened for a moment.

"Good Evening Marie." He smiled and took off his coat, hanging it on the rack to the right of the door. Her face remained the expressionless canvas it had been when he entered the room. Big brown eyes followed his movements about the room, knowing what was coming next. Marie always resisted the urge to cry out in happiness as he reached for his kit.

A series of hollow needles and thin silk rope, glinted in the rooms soft incandescent light. The Puppet Master set them to the side of Marie's bed. he walked to her chair and piked up her thin body, cradling her lose to him and kissing her forehead. HE laid her down gently and pulled on a pair of latex gloves. he picked up the cold steel needle and threaded a piece of rope through the small hollow of the needle.

"I love you Marie."

"I love you too Dom."

The door to the room reopened twenty minutes later to find a pierced marionette and her puppet master. Marie has a single soft tear trail that had fallen from her large brown eyes. Dom looked pleased as he tended to the bleeding wounds with immense care. He couldn't help but grin from ear to hear about his work. She was so beautiful on a day to day basis but she looked like his little angel when she was pierced and dressed. He leaned down and kissed her on her perfectly red, plump lips. She didn't move. A happy tear slid down Dom's cheek as he finished dressing her, saving her gloves for last. He knelt down next to the bed and picked up her left hand, placing a ruby and diamond ring on her ring finger. He placed her lace fingerless gloves over it and gently lifted his doll from her bed to carry her to the stage...


Blu Hope said...

All I saw was the first line and you had me.
I have to go now, but I will read the whole thing later.
I'm going to get Katie on here too, and I'm sure she'll give you a mouthful too. Lol.
Thank you.

Blu Hope said...

Ok, A) DAMN!
B) fighting the urge to psychoanalyze.
C) Well written (ignoring missing "c's" - there's one sentence where i think you're missing at least 2...did you have something against them that day? lolz. but seriously, tone is well set, a little creepy for my tastes, but captures the D/S mentalities quite well!
maybe we'll have to bring you with us in feb!